Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Deaks Early Birthday

So I know Deak's birthday isn't until the 24th, but I figured that since he is a Baker aka baseball FREAK, that I would get some tickets to a Diamondbacks game. Since we've been together diamondback games are one thing we really come to enjoy doing together, especially since I've had Deak sitting next to me explaining every detail and rule that comes into play, that and just the fact that he's sitting next to me! :)

So this is the view from our seats. I definatly paid a little more then we normally do when we go to the games, but I figured what the heck since it was his birthday present. The last game we went to I kept noticing all the foul balls kept going up to this one section on the 2nd floor, so I thought it might be fun to sit up here... and I'm so glad we did!!!

So I have to say, probably my favorite part about baseball games aside from yelling out stupid things at the top of my lungs, is the food! And I was so excited this time, because I had made up my mind ahead of time that I was going to get nachos this game, which is a special treat because they are freaking $5.75.... and definatly not worth it! But anyways! So, in the bottom of the 1st inning, I left Deak watching the game, and I decided to make my way to the concessions before the game got too interesting- and of course I picked the totally wrong line, because I was behind the one guy that wanted 1 of everything on the menu! But finally, I got my nachos and headed back to our seats. So as I got up to our seats, I was kinda surprised to see a couple of the people sitting around us noticing me, laughing and looking over at Deak. And let me tell you, I was even more surprised when all of a sudden I saw Deak hold up a ball and smile..... He had caught a foul ball!! and I miss it for really bad, over priced nachos.......

So aside from the dissappointment of missing him catch the ball, it was still exciting because the night we were there, there was only one foul ball in our section, AND DEAK GOT IT!! :) Definatly made me feel good, since it was his birthday n all!!

I do have to say this was by far the most exciting, fun game we've been too yet, and it definatly helped that the Diamondbacks kicked the marlins butts- 5 to 1!! Woop Woop!!




  1. looks like fun! im glad i got to see you at sharkspeed the other night!! you 2 look so happy!

  2. Fun! D-backs games are the best! I'm so happy you are enjoying married life and that you're blogging!

  3. Nice catch Deak! And that totally sucks Emily that you missed it, but sometimes food comes first. Atleast its that way for me. LOL!

  4. That does look cool and it is so awesome that you guys have a real baseball! I can't wait to see you and Deak in Aug! We will have to introduce you to three strikes~
